Tuesday, August 24, 2010

random.......... TIRED need to go back jesus to recharge myself :( :(

 "It's impossible." said pride. "It's risky." said experience. "It's pointless." said reason. "Give it a try." whispered the heart.

have my 1st test next wednesday... OMG.!! i haven't preapre yet..................... just have a call with my dad.. call me to go to sleep =.="'... 

hungry right now..... but i know i cannot eat at this time.. i will become FAT. :s yesterday just have mcd. (haven't eat that for 3month) have almost spend my half day on my muscle training today... sibeh tired right now... i am going to off at 11.30pm later................ but i feel happy for that.. i need to be more muscular!!  (: (:

about my college....SIGH****... lecture teaching those INMATURE SOHAIS that sit behind me keep release the bad breath..... why i can smell it? because those SOHAIS are blowing behind my hair... damn S T U P I D!!.. 

Seriously think that those rich KIDS have been pamper by their parents........ doing all soft of stubborn things they might be L.O.A. lol

have to go to brush my teeth, change my cloth, wash my face and is time to BED :)

anyone know whre to buy this kind of watch? kindly msg me if you know that.. leave yr comment in the chat box or u can add me up in msn : quanlove_qian@live.com.my

thank you :)

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