Sunday, January 31, 2010

31/1 cashier 1st GAJI LOL.

2day is d 1st time i 4gt 2 punch my card, working abou 20min and 1 indian kak ask me why i cum so early 2day... and i remember.. i belum punch card la.. *sory kak i gt sumthing 2 do* -RUSH to punch card- =x

~~~~~~~lazy to mention~~~~~~~~~~~ after 6pm i take over my cousin jamie counter =)
at d time of *9sumthing* a bu cuo xia d girl cum my counter pay money and i ask for the store card she replied me "you gt card nt? use yr card lor.." i answer i also gt no card. we both laugh... and we start chatting -.- *others customer face changing bcz du lan ed line up and wait so long bt we are chatting dere like no1 around.*

when i go out of the store i go to hong leong bank and chek my account.. LOL i earn myself rm223.60 for working 9days =)

sumthing make me bek 7 2day a malay boy trying to ruin my magic *Think yourself as a performer,would you like other people to make your life difficult when u are trying to entertain?Have a little courtesy and manners.* i am trying 2 entertain not showing off you might not interested by others are. heee, you will kena with me nxt time i swear =)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

UNDANG ceramah this morning. =X

8.15am go for unday ceramah this morning.. at d 1st go 2 cap jari den go for ceramah bt i am 2 pro and SMART so in enter wrong room =)

abaden i feel weird why all of them is writing sumthing on d paper bt i gt non paper in my hand, d pengajar pula keep writing sumthing on d board. (i just sit at a place and sing 再给我两分钟 by JAY-.-) 『after 20min my car lesen punya uncle masuk d room and piont at me, he said BOY u salah room ed. LOL, all of them looking at me with d question mark on thier head. i pretend YAO YENG and walk out d room.』

just step out d room i spot 4nan hwa girl and sum acs girl bt i dunno them excatly, d uncle take me to d room i should enter and do d COLOUR BLIND test paper -.-

i got ntg to do dere i pun take out 2 rubber band and perform magic =)
then a nan hwa girl pula turn over and asking me whre u learn this har? , you taking car and motor both lessen gather? , wht is d time now? , many many many more -.- i was thinking u wanna kao me ka? keep asking this and tht bt u takmau ask yr friend pula........ after 1pm d pengajar gv us rest time to eat for 30min bcz i dun have a seat so i sit bside tht 'GIRL' =.= and d girl pula tell me hor... actually i eat alot at home and my mom said how was it if i bcum fat, sure no ppl mau. den his friend pula continue 'aiya, gt ppl wan d la, wont grow fat d la' -.- (girl, is there any related with me? -words in my mind-)

after d 30min i go back d ceramah room and d girl asking me will we met agian nxt time when she take car and motor lessen i just gv a smile *silents* *faint* (are you tring to 搭讪me ka? GG)

bcz of d boring ceramah and d hiao girl i plan 2 have a sleep in d room, i wake up 10min b4 d ceramah is finish bt b4 we go out d pengajar said dun 4gt 2 cap yr jari once again yar. he continue *THIS MSG IS FOR THOSE WHO IS SLEEPING JUST NOW, AND all d attention is on me pula. swt... -.-*

-the end-

yeah..!! i get my internet back this afternnon abou 5pm =) *our taman phone line has been stolen for at least 8 times and this time they grow clever edi *finally* they set d paku shape stuff at d phone line tembok dere. hope those bastard cant stole d line agian. it's about time you give it up. hahhhaaa*

heee. bed time =) nite all.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

sumthing funny to share abou THE STORE =)

this post i will be using 华文,english and malay language =D

2day is my 2nd day work in THE STORE as a cashier, tapi hari ini sumthing special dan funny happen wor. LOL, d 1st case and 2nd is happen at evening.. 有一个印度人(男) 他付了钱 我帮他packing了 和他笑一笑把钱找回给他.. 结果他 走时拿着钱 但 东西却没拿. 还得我放下我手上他工作去追他..他才和我说..orhhh.. tq =X

2nd case, 一个华人女子 (2X多岁吧) 我也是找了钱和她笑一笑的 说声谢谢结果她就只把她之前拿在手上的东西给看了一下就走了『她还有2带东西还在counter上面-。-』...ER>>>> 小姐 你的东西 -。-

3rd CASE 是一个 form 5的女生和他的母亲 和弟弟一起来的,她妈妈付了money结果就叫她 女儿拿东西,结果我给了她女儿东西 但钱没找她就跑人了-。= auntie你们的钱, "deng" -.-

mayb they been 电 by me. 『VAIN』 hahaha =D

tak mau tulis sudah, 2mro stil nid work morning shift =X

work dalam the store masih bo pai lar. bt H plz dun cum the store find me yar da lok sei -.-

