Sunday, January 31, 2010

31/1 cashier 1st GAJI LOL.

2day is d 1st time i 4gt 2 punch my card, working abou 20min and 1 indian kak ask me why i cum so early 2day... and i remember.. i belum punch card la.. *sory kak i gt sumthing 2 do* -RUSH to punch card- =x

~~~~~~~lazy to mention~~~~~~~~~~~ after 6pm i take over my cousin jamie counter =)
at d time of *9sumthing* a bu cuo xia d girl cum my counter pay money and i ask for the store card she replied me "you gt card nt? use yr card lor.." i answer i also gt no card. we both laugh... and we start chatting -.- *others customer face changing bcz du lan ed line up and wait so long bt we are chatting dere like no1 around.*

when i go out of the store i go to hong leong bank and chek my account.. LOL i earn myself rm223.60 for working 9days =)

sumthing make me bek 7 2day a malay boy trying to ruin my magic *Think yourself as a performer,would you like other people to make your life difficult when u are trying to entertain?Have a little courtesy and manners.* i am trying 2 entertain not showing off you might not interested by others are. heee, you will kena with me nxt time i swear =)

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