Thursday, August 12, 2010

duhhh...!!! agian? wth.?!?!?!!!

welcome to my boring blog (:


wednesday i told my assignment group member(plus me 6person) that i am tired because i have wake up early morning for 2 days, can we set our discussion time on afternoon? 1 of the member said "cannot.! i need to see doctor.. afternoon i appointment already with the doctor cannot been change" okay.. then what time will be fine for you? er........... 8am? ( on my mind i was thinking "puck you?!" ) others... okay with the time? they all answer me ya.. we okay.. then one of my group member kindly respond to me, u can come late a little bit lor.. i answered okay ba. then 2 of my group member also said maybe we will be same too ya......................................

(thusday morning.)

i wake up 7.47min i remember i sms 1 of my member ask him... u all reach already? (just to confirm everyone is doing what they should) then i prepare myself until 8.15am also no reply from that person.... i said to myself i trust u lord. everything will be just fine.... and i pack my bag and walk to MCD (my second home (: the place we plan to discuss assignment) and i see only 2 are sitting inside. but not doing assign or research but gaming.!! wao!!! clever.. maybe they done? o.o i ask them... how ya? done preparing all the details, points and ideas? can borrow me and have a look? they looking into my eyes with an innocent reaction, no la... we wait others to come............... [yayaya!!!! you all waiting others to come..... but i deeply assume that they are waiting me to do all the job for them!!] because they only will give me 1 answer when i ask what they had did for the paper work "i dunno do, i dunno find, i see the book hor, i don't understand and hor and hor and hor..." (all the reasons are to telling me you did nothing) can't any of you google? dunno the meaning of the words you still can use google right?!!!..

(fed up moment)

i got class on 10am and they others 2 are coming late and 1 more are missing!! i do tell them i got class on 10am.. but they still want 8am discuss.... when 2 of them coming they did nothing.................................................... as i said i was fed up but still i finding info through net that time as time goes by they just keep on talking crap and my mood change sudden and i cancel (X) all the stuff and i tell them i found nothing... and how now? yesterday i give you the book to read, do you find anything useful? er, sorry ya.. i haven't read ler.. er.. i got read some lar but hor don't understand.. okay... give me the book... who else want to read take it.! tomorrow give me back the book! my time shows around 9.45 so i inform them tomorrow we have another meet on 1pm and i left.!!

( Met with SEI Bitchy kmk :D )

we meet at paparich.. the 1st things we met he asking me.. do you want cigarette? =.="'... damn.!! you know me i hate the smoke and u still ask..... NO WAY i don't want it!! and then we have a little (private chat) sorry ya. those secret are not suitable to share it here, hahahhha!! then we go for POOL... ya i am newbie. he teach me some of the basic skills and rule. lol, i am still sucks at it. people, is getting 12.30midnight, have to sleep........ no more story telling, maybe tomorrow if i could online i will post some of my TODAY story. night! (:

We came into this world with nothing, we will part from this world with nothing. Be thankful for what you experience each day. It's all apart of God's plan.!

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