People ask how many times have her cross over my mind, i answered "ONE TIME" because once you reach then you've never left, I still remember perfectly the first time I see your beautiful face, I still can't believe that I could meet a girl like you, Ur the best thing that happened to me ..
I have seen a lot to break up, the relationship is.. for few months or few days or even worst! Remember, love is when you're ready, you .. I'm not alone
I convince myself, TRUE love that always finds its way home, you will be with me in the end of my fairy tale.
My day was just GREAT .. because the first thought in the morning was you before my day started.
When I don't see you i feel something wrong, it seem like hard to breathe properly,
A lot of people calling you your name, but it is only one person who can make the sound so special, that is you, my Valentine ♥
I'm day dreaming right now, dreaming the first time I saw you the first time we talked:) ♥
Sunday, August 29, 2010
사랑 ( H는 전자 난 난 y를 )
누군가가 몇 번이나 당신은 그냥 말을 내 마음까지 오지도달라고하면 일단 당신이 내 마음을 떠난 적이 없어요, 난로 아직 완벽하게 처음에 내가 기억 온건 당신의 아름다운 얼굴을보고, 나는 여전히 그럴수는 내가 좋아하는 사람을 만날 수 있다고 생각합니다 미국 우르 저에게 ..에게 일어난 최고의 순간을
나는 많은 몇 몇 달 또는 몇 일 또는 헤어져야 봐야 최악! 기억, 사랑은 준비가되면, 당신이 .. 이제 혼자가 아니거야
난 그 진정한 사랑은 항상 집에 갈 길을 찾은 내 자신을 설득, 당신은 나와 함께 동화의 끝에있을 것입니다. <3
내 하루가 정말 잘 .. 처음 제가 생각했다 원인 너라고 시작했습니다.
그렇게되면 내가 잘못, 제대로 호흡을하지 않는 것 그게 당신이 안보이는데 느낀다.
그게 네 이름으로 전화를 많은 사람들이 있지만, 딱 그것은 너무 특별한 소리가 만들 수있는 사람 한명, 당신은 내 발렌타인 ♥ 입니다
나는 당신이이와 완전히 사실을 알고 싶어요! 지퍼가 안 나는하지만 그것을 말하는거야 ... 내가 사랑에 빠졌다는 걸 믿습니다. (: (:
지금은 하루를 꿈꾸고있어 다시 처음으로 꿈을 꾸고 내가 당신과 우리가 얘기를 처음봤을 :) ♥
Friday, August 27, 2010
love (:
On this day, God wants you to know
Love has great potential to enrich your life. But if you are just playing a role, pretending to love, it's only going to poison you. Because you are teaching yourself that it's just a game, and slowly but surely you will lose the capacity to open in love.
Gossip is truly giving me a big headache!! i know well deep inside my heart i just care about her and i wont be fall for her.. cause i have meet the girl that i wish to lay hand on for the rest of my life :) she is so so so soooooo special. she is naughty sometime but she is cute on the other hand, she got a mature thinking and she is hot as well (: caring is caring love is love don't you all get it? all the girl that is close to my... well as example.. my kai mui, sv lui, daugther and tudi will know how i treat a girl if i wan't her to be with me :D
and tomorrow i need to check on my books and reference if not i am pretty sure i am to get a F for my sem grade. :s raya i will be going back to stwn.. ( 99.9% ) cant go for shopping ed T.T
okay....... You have two options, Be mine or make me yours, see I am giving you two choices (:
Love has great potential to enrich your life. But if you are just playing a role, pretending to love, it's only going to poison you. Because you are teaching yourself that it's just a game, and slowly but surely you will lose the capacity to open in love.
Gossip is truly giving me a big headache!! i know well deep inside my heart i just care about her and i wont be fall for her.. cause i have meet the girl that i wish to lay hand on for the rest of my life :) she is so so so soooooo special. she is naughty sometime but she is cute on the other hand, she got a mature thinking and she is hot as well (: caring is caring love is love don't you all get it? all the girl that is close to my... well as example.. my kai mui, sv lui, daugther and tudi will know how i treat a girl if i wan't her to be with me :D
and tomorrow i need to check on my books and reference if not i am pretty sure i am to get a F for my sem grade. :s raya i will be going back to stwn.. ( 99.9% ) cant go for shopping ed T.T
okay....... You have two options, Be mine or make me yours, see I am giving you two choices (:
Thursday, August 26, 2010
1. 额头长痘原因:压力大,脾气差,造成心火和血液循环有问题。改善:早睡早起,多喝水。
2. 双眉间长痘:原因:胸闷,心律不整,心悸。改善:不要做太过激烈的运动,避免烟、酒、辛辣食品。
3. 鼻头长痘:原因:胃火过盛,消化系统异常。改善:少吃冰冷食物。
4. 鼻翼长痘:原因:与卵巢机能或生殖系统有关。改善:不要过度纵欲或禁欲,多到户外呼吸新鲜空气。
5. 右边脸颊长痘:原因:肺功能失常。改善:注意保养呼吸道,尽量避免芒果、芋头、海鲜等易过敏的食物。
6. 左边脸颊长痘:原因:肝功能不顺畅,有热毒。改善:作息正常,保持心情愉快,该吹冷空气就吹,不要让身体处在闷热的环境中。
7. 唇周边长痘:原因:便秘导致体内毒素累积,或是使用含氟过量的牙膏。改善:多吃高纤维的蔬菜水果
8. 下巴长痘:原因:内分泌失调。改善:少吃冰冷的东西。
9 太阳穴:太阳穴附近出现小粉刺,显示你的饮食中包含了过多的加工食品,造成胆囊阻塞,需要赶紧行体内大扫除祛痘的15个良好习惯
1、每天八杯水。清早没有 进食前一定要喝一大杯水,可以清肠胃。(相信很多美眉们是知道的,问题是做不做得到。)
15、有痘的人睡觉一定要把流海给夹起来。这样不易造成前额生疮,也不会令生疮.去除痤疮疤痕把姜切片,临睡前用手指压在疤痕处15分钟,第二天早上再洗掉,连续一周,你会发现这个方法对付痤疮疤痕非常有效。 神奇指数:★★★☆有效指数:★★★★去脸部角质在脸上撒少许白砂糖,然后用半个柠檬轻轻摩擦皮肤,可以去死皮和减轻阳光灼晒斑痕。神奇指数:★★☆有效指数:★★★☆自制紧肤水柠檬汁加一点黄瓜汁就可以制成天然的紧肤水了,但一定要注意保质期限哦。神奇指数:★★★☆有效指数:★★★增长睫毛将喝剩的茶水晾凉,在睡前或隔天清晨,利用棉花棒沾湿眼睫毛,可达到增长睫毛的功效。赶快试试吧,保证是最廉价又经济的睫毛增长液!神奇指数:★★★★有效指数:★★★★☆去身体角质手肘、膝盖、后脚跟部分用滑石轻轻磨去变老变黑的角质,严重时可涂上凡士林,用绷带覆盖一晚上。神奇指数:★★有效指数:★★★☆乌青不见了跌倒乌青一大块又难看又丢脸怎么办?把鸡蛋煮熟,剥壳后在乌青上滚一滚,很快它就消失了,但是蛋就不能吃了。神奇指数:★★★★★有效指数:★★★★★消除黑眼圈准备冷水、鲜奶和纸巾,先将冷水及鲜奶以1:1的比例混合,再用纸巾沾湿,贴在眼睛的下半部15分钟,就可以消除恼人的黑眼圈了。神奇指数:★★有效指数:★★★☆去黑鼻头把生鸡蛋靠近蛋皮的那层薄膜整张撕下来,贴在鼻头上。等干透之后揭下来,你会发现"草莓"上的小黑点全都不见了!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
silent mode :X
when u ask me i.............en, arh, orh, ya, yup, kay... then u ask agian i do it agian... en, arh, orh, ya, yup, kay :) :) choi lei dou xo la!! :P
neh... said it behind me lor.. i lan c..... i am okay with it.. say i so hai... thank you so long haven't heard it...
today are so so... LOTI, laugh on the inside!! i wear lens, have my shade on and hair set... my college friend get a shock =.="'... sry i am not a nerd.. i style okay?!
about why i don't bother you? no no no.. "I'm not ignoring you, I'm just exercising my right to remain silent"
this afternoon i visit sunway once agian. lol. but i din buy anything lar... just go to cinema... orh, i 4get the title of the movie.. but is not so nice.... something fun is the director use a new way to scare the audience, quite nice the technique and i never know dylan is so......................... NOT SO BRAVE to watch :D haha!
but i having fun... $ $ if i got unlimited $ i can shop and buy all the things i want.............................. $ $ where are you. come to papa :D :D lack of money sigh****
more pic will be coming soon(after i going back hometown and hang out with my gang)... i miss to take pic today cause forget to bring camera along when i go to sunway. :s
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
random.......... TIRED need to go back jesus to recharge myself :( :(
"It's impossible." said pride. "It's risky." said experience. "It's pointless." said reason. "Give it a try." whispered the heart.
have my 1st test next wednesday... OMG.!! i haven't preapre yet..................... just have a call with my dad.. call me to go to sleep =.="'...
hungry right now..... but i know i cannot eat at this time.. i will become FAT. :s yesterday just have mcd. (haven't eat that for 3month) have almost spend my half day on my muscle training today... sibeh tired right now... i am going to off at 11.30pm later................ but i feel happy for that.. i need to be more muscular!! (: (:
about my college....SIGH****... lecture teaching those INMATURE SOHAIS that sit behind me keep release the bad breath..... why i can smell it? because those SOHAIS are blowing behind my hair... damn S T U P I D!!..
Seriously think that those rich KIDS have been pamper by their parents........ doing all soft of stubborn things they might be L.O.A. lol
have to go to brush my teeth, change my cloth, wash my face and is time to BED :)
anyone know whre to buy this kind of watch? kindly msg me if you know that.. leave yr comment in the chat box or u can add me up in msn :
thank you :)
Monday, August 23, 2010
cant upload the vid i record (try to change formet before still remain the same)
have been upload and waiting for the vid to be post for 4 hours and is not working... and i try agian for another 6hours.... (nothing happen) sorry guys i cant share the it with u all.
late go for my class about 35-40min today morning. everyone is putting attention on me when i get in the class. lol, i am not feeling proud for that. tomorrow got class on 8am (bored) but i still need to attend. (have to work hard to achieve that i wish in the future!! i can't just give up my whole life on some tiny reasons, go go go!! u can do it brayn!!)
GET my bb today (: but i dunno how to use it. dunno how to use those application dunno how to use wi-fi =.="'.... i wish someone could helping me for all those things. isshhh >~<"
I have my own style that happens to be different from everyone . My inspiration is me. :P
thats it for today......................... :) :)
late go for my class about 35-40min today morning. everyone is putting attention on me when i get in the class. lol, i am not feeling proud for that. tomorrow got class on 8am (bored) but i still need to attend. (have to work hard to achieve that i wish in the future!! i can't just give up my whole life on some tiny reasons, go go go!! u can do it brayn!!)
GET my bb today (: but i dunno how to use it. dunno how to use those application dunno how to use wi-fi =.="'.... i wish someone could helping me for all those things. isshhh >~<"
I have my own style that happens to be different from everyone . My inspiration is me. :P
thats it for today......................... :) :)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
class dismiss, LEE HOM sing live. :)
monday i will just have class on 12-2pm nice!! can sleep till the sun burn my ass :) will be going to met lee hom but d fact is i want go to met my dictionary... lee hom is just a ordinary human nothing for me to get excited...... :s
will be continue... when i get back frm 1u. see you guys there! :D
now i am back... so.... i am pretty shock when i hear live sing from lee hom.. is awesome!! Almost all the fans scream like no tomorrow to prove that they are the REAL FANS of him but on the other hand they holding LEE HOM poster and publicity cards to fan theirself.. is this to prove how much u LIKE lee hom? i wondering.. lol
and yeah.!! finally i found the bag i like.. it cost me rm 69.90 (cheap) because the price of the type of bag i want is usually rm 100++ (: (:
NEW PHONE is coming too......... EXCITED!! thank god for all the opportunity to get what i want for easy and no worries. going to train my muscle everyday, hehe come back to me all my muscle cells (: (:
thanks to my cousin too.. they make my life in college turning into quite FUN, working hard from monday till friday and i enjoy saturday and sunday! :)
will be upload lee hom singing live for (你不知道的事) that i record when i got free time to do it :P
so... be patient ya :)
Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great!! :)
now i am back... so.... i am pretty shock when i hear live sing from lee hom.. is awesome!! Almost all the fans scream like no tomorrow to prove that they are the REAL FANS of him but on the other hand they holding LEE HOM poster and publicity cards to fan theirself.. is this to prove how much u LIKE lee hom? i wondering.. lol
and yeah.!! finally i found the bag i like.. it cost me rm 69.90 (cheap) because the price of the type of bag i want is usually rm 100++ (: (:
NEW PHONE is coming too......... EXCITED!! thank god for all the opportunity to get what i want for easy and no worries. going to train my muscle everyday, hehe come back to me all my muscle cells (: (:
thanks to my cousin too.. they make my life in college turning into quite FUN, working hard from monday till friday and i enjoy saturday and sunday! :)
will be upload lee hom singing live for (你不知道的事) that i record when i got free time to do it :P
so... be patient ya :)
Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great!! :)
Saturday, August 21, 2010
ne ni ne ni pu pu :P
having a dota fever last night... dota for so many hours (stop awhile then play agian..) assignment is still blank but i am going to work on lily paper 1st (submit date is after raya-sept 15)
next week i am going to go back stwn :) anybody plan to met with me???!!! (not 100% can meet dou me d yar.. i am kinda busy :P)
hope to get my BB soon. :D so that i can tweet tweet... and FACEb.. lol (need to get back to my healthy life -nowadays i just train my muscle twice a week- [look so weak right now] )
i am planning to find some magic show on this year nov. maybe will be going to perform in a bar name (D-MAGIC) want to find myself some new experience in my life that i haven't try before. god plan is very unique because god know that i am busy and will be going to have a busy life so he didn't put any relationship in my life yet. but I don't consider myself.. 'SINGLE & ALONE' I consider myself ' INDEPENDENT & AVAILABLE'.. (:
"this is ME.i know my self better than anybody else.i know what i want in life! and i have d rigth to own my life!- accept and respect."
Friday, August 20, 2010
another day pass by..
nice effect there!! :D afternoon hang out with my ns friend (TKS aka DIU 9 SIANG!! :P) and after that as u can see the picca is me and my besties (boon bing) we hang out at sunway and snap some photo :) we go to watch the movie that jet lee is too involve in the act name "the expendables" is quite nice, action movie.. shooting, killing (using guns, knife, of course others body parts too. lol)
i admit i am lazy... so i didn't find any information about english assignment... but... this time i plan to do something different so i am giving others chance to pick the topic that they want to... i want to challenge the hard PART.!! (lecture mention that limit 3 person same topic in the assign paper) i am aiming high place... no!! i am not dreaming.. i am sure i will get to that point!! :)
tomorrow i am going to stay at my cousin house.. i think we will be dota for whole night.. haha (: and finally i can go to buy some fork and perform the ultimate FORK BEND :P want to have a look? pay me and i will show you :P
here another pic for you... my hair short still no need comment on that :( :(
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
There is 2 character inside me.!! 1 is when i meet with my besties another is when i meet JOKER :D
you are thinking which one i am using front of you right? hahhhaha if you think that i can 99.9% confirm u are the JOKER i mention at the tittle :P
There are very few people in this world that know the REAL me, the rest of you know the me I choose to let you see!
i am not as cool as ice, just that i don't want to talk about anything with you guys!! so i keep silents..........this is the way that i think will make you guys put less attention on me.!! so that i can enjoy my sellf-dreaming being i have been quite emo after i go for college.... my mood is always up and down.. they assignment is coming non-stop :(
thanks god for the love u put in me, i trust in you (: everything will be fine in the end. if it is not fine that mean i still not reaching the end point. :) i don't want to be fat, i want to be fit.!! have to find time to build up my muscle everyday like old time (now my muscle sok shui ed T.T)
I feel like screaming, yelling, jumping and telling everyone I know about you.
I wanna type "i ℓ٥ﻻ ﻉ√٥υ" everywhere anyone could see.!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
the day before i leave my hometown :D thanks everyone that come to celebrate for me yar! i am so having a good time... performing cards magic (that day is too my pastor birthday so we celebrate gather) thank you pastor for teaching me how to become a mature christian (i was a baby chirst for a long long time, haha!)
the most classical moment is when i perform disappear card and magically transfer to my bag (: they giving me such unbelievable respond, feel sorry to ming yew!! i dunno you was once a MAGIC PERFORMER, hahhaha!!
and today will be my memory too... all the others group assignment is passing up to cassie to have a review only my group! i am so PROUD of you my member!! seriously don't u guys feel shame? if it is not, now i am going to tell you... you are wasting yr parents money for letting you come to college and learn how to become a CLOWN and JOKER?! stop playing the fool. i felt is so damn hard to concentrate when you guys keep chet chating and the taste of the smoke.................... Oh My FGod!!! i still have a long life to go, if u wish to take a short cut to the end of the journey go ahead but please don't send the invitation to me!
this weeeeeek i am not going back stwn (98%) DAVyh FRIDAY FRIDAY... Fo*K F*rK!!
going to play with some coins. kinda bored with cards. have to stop for a while. (:
good luck for those who are sitting for exam, study smart and play hard.!! :p
Monday, August 16, 2010
你不知道的事. (:
addicted to the song name 你不知道的事 by lee hom have been repeating the song for whole day.. i am not bored with the song still.! i wont change the song until i can sing it well :P
finally some of my group member move their ass and start to do assign but still some are hwwaaatttinggggg others to done it for him by leaving his mind in the ?!?! idk idk ?!?! reasons mode, go ahead.. i don't give a damn :D
有时候你看起来很开心 有时候 感觉你很犹豫 你是不是有心事啊...... i want to ask you this for long.... at last i fail to open my mouth to ask because i am afraid. afraid you will just keep silent and we both will be in a very ....... awkward situation..... i am trying not worry and care too much, just try my best to do what i think is the best for the moment. some are asking me about my date, LOL.. no more date man! Distance is far plus time is not enough for me to spend and is hard for me to done all my work if i go back my hometown again and again..... can't deny my feeling about you....... miss you, worry about you, feel like sitting right beside you..... play with you, chat with you.......... hope i can find myself some time to spend it with you. :s will you really care if i said you are the one i need? the one i wish to holding hand with, the one that i want to kiss and hug........ idk :s
...never search your HAPPINESS in others, it will make you feel ALONE., Search it in YOURSELF,you will feel HAPPY, even when you are left ALONE.. :D be happy (:
finally some of my group member move their ass and start to do assign but still some are hwwaaatttinggggg others to done it for him by leaving his mind in the ?!?! idk idk ?!?! reasons mode, go ahead.. i don't give a damn :D
有时候你看起来很开心 有时候 感觉你很犹豫 你是不是有心事啊...... i want to ask you this for long.... at last i fail to open my mouth to ask because i am afraid. afraid you will just keep silent and we both will be in a very ....... awkward situation..... i am trying not worry and care too much, just try my best to do what i think is the best for the moment. some are asking me about my date, LOL.. no more date man! Distance is far plus time is not enough for me to spend and is hard for me to done all my work if i go back my hometown again and again..... can't deny my feeling about you....... miss you, worry about you, feel like sitting right beside you..... play with you, chat with you.......... hope i can find myself some time to spend it with you. :s will you really care if i said you are the one i need? the one i wish to holding hand with, the one that i want to kiss and hug........ idk :s
...never search your HAPPINESS in others, it will make you feel ALONE., Search it in YOURSELF,you will feel HAPPY, even when you are left ALONE.. :D be happy (:
Saturday, August 14, 2010
liquid bend :)
performing mind bending fork and get a great respond from others (: hahaha.! some of them are truly stun and ask for more bend. lol :P
last night i done my assign part on typing without counting the moment i done typing on 1.30am midnight and i feel myself so jelly.... ( Lam pek pek so tired.! ) then i go to bed. ( currently stay at my cousin house for 2days until sunday night will back to SS/15) asking why? cause i am shopaholic!
I walk,
i see,
i check,
i try,
i find,
and i buy..
all the new of latest design stuff no matter is on art or clothes or foods ( I will spend if i got extra credit)
to encourage myself for a tough tomorrow.! ( i just enjoy on saturday and sunday, not too over right?! heee :P )
to my assign group member... i don't care anymore :D u do what u want, just don't regret and sue me after u get yr marks!
i pretend that i don't care, but it makes me miss you more.. :'(
Thursday, August 12, 2010
duhhh...!!! agian? wth.?!?!?!!!
welcome to my boring blog (:
wednesday i told my assignment group member(plus me 6person) that i am tired because i have wake up early morning for 2 days, can we set our discussion time on afternoon? 1 of the member said "cannot.! i need to see doctor.. afternoon i appointment already with the doctor cannot been change" okay.. then what time will be fine for you? er........... 8am? ( on my mind i was thinking "puck you?!" ) others... okay with the time? they all answer me ya.. we okay.. then one of my group member kindly respond to me, u can come late a little bit lor.. i answered okay ba. then 2 of my group member also said maybe we will be same too ya......................................
(thusday morning.)
i wake up 7.47min i remember i sms 1 of my member ask him... u all reach already? (just to confirm everyone is doing what they should) then i prepare myself until 8.15am also no reply from that person.... i said to myself i trust u lord. everything will be just fine.... and i pack my bag and walk to MCD (my second home (: the place we plan to discuss assignment) and i see only 2 are sitting inside. but not doing assign or research but gaming.!! wao!!! clever.. maybe they done? o.o i ask them... how ya? done preparing all the details, points and ideas? can borrow me and have a look? they looking into my eyes with an innocent reaction, no la... we wait others to come............... [yayaya!!!! you all waiting others to come..... but i deeply assume that they are waiting me to do all the job for them!!] because they only will give me 1 answer when i ask what they had did for the paper work "i dunno do, i dunno find, i see the book hor, i don't understand and hor and hor and hor..." (all the reasons are to telling me you did nothing) can't any of you google? dunno the meaning of the words you still can use google right?!!!..
(fed up moment)
i got class on 10am and they others 2 are coming late and 1 more are missing!! i do tell them i got class on 10am.. but they still want 8am discuss.... when 2 of them coming they did nothing.................................................... as i said i was fed up but still i finding info through net that time as time goes by they just keep on talking crap and my mood change sudden and i cancel (X) all the stuff and i tell them i found nothing... and how now? yesterday i give you the book to read, do you find anything useful? er, sorry ya.. i haven't read ler.. er.. i got read some lar but hor don't understand.. okay... give me the book... who else want to read take it.! tomorrow give me back the book! my time shows around 9.45 so i inform them tomorrow we have another meet on 1pm and i left.!!
( Met with SEI Bitchy kmk :D )
we meet at paparich.. the 1st things we met he asking me.. do you want cigarette? =.="'... damn.!! you know me i hate the smoke and u still ask..... NO WAY i don't want it!! and then we have a little (private chat) sorry ya. those secret are not suitable to share it here, hahahhha!! then we go for POOL... ya i am newbie. he teach me some of the basic skills and rule. lol, i am still sucks at it. people, is getting 12.30midnight, have to sleep........ no more story telling, maybe tomorrow if i could online i will post some of my TODAY story. night! (:
We came into this world with nothing, we will part from this world with nothing. Be thankful for what you experience each day. It's all apart of God's plan.!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
trying to improve my english (:
have an idea to improve my english but the idea isn't come form myself but my management teacher cassie (: she is the best lecture i have meet so far.. creative way of teaching make us more confidence for our further study :)she told us to write few sentences a day so that we can improve our english slowly.. my gosssh!! what should i write? today when i wake up in the early morning i feel so tired and i don't want to get up from bed. i lay on for 10min, thank god for the strength i finally feel like moving.. open google chrome and go for inti web and download(take a long time) some lecture note in pendrive and i see my time. is already 7.25am and i still got class on 8am (haven't put anything in my stomach yet).. no choice but rush to college.... because i got my favorite class on eight till ten. after 10 we have another class is about effective people skills.......... (SLEEPY)miss lily talk in front the class but all our eyes are so heavy that we have to make some joke to keep ourself energy to finish what she trying to teach. kay....... i am forcing myself to write and now i want to end it.!!about my life i will just lift it up for god to decide i will enjoy what he had plan (:
*it would be your lost if you lose me :P arh ha :P*
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