Thursday, April 28, 2011

18年前 / 18 years ago

在18年前 的事我还有点印象, 我亲爱的母亲曾经 被伤的很深很深.. 但 她对我的爱一直没变..

This story is happen 18 years ago, i still have some picture about it.. my mom has go though a very difficult moment.. but her love for me is still remain

有一个 和我有血缘关系的人 和我母亲说 你确定你没抱错儿子吗,还是你一时错饱了别人的儿子啊? 怎么这样的难看啊? 又那么黑.. 以后啊 他肯定 会非常的丑陋.. 

One of my closest family member say this to my mom "erm, are you sure the child is belongs to you? or you mistaken take others baby.. because the baby looks so UGLY, and the color of the skin is so dark.. when he grew up, i am sure he will look like a monster.! "

我母亲 没有回答.. 

My mom remain silent..

那个小男孩 长大的过程 和别人很不一样.. 他 被人取笑.. 被人利用.. 被人玩弄.. 甚至 被人但做玩笑来开.

The boy had a very bad memory about his childhood, he is very different from others.. people use him, laugh at him, think of him as a joker.. play him like a clown.

就但这男孩 渐渐的长大.. 他自己也不明白 为什么会受到这样的对待.. 这小孩 很坚强.. 开朗......

He never know why does everybody treat him like that.. at least the boy stay strong.. he have a strong hard and a very positive thinking..

在小学 因为发育的关系 他也肥的非常的夸张... 

in primary school the boy is keep grow in size.. he became a fat boy..


he never thought that his weight is a problem to him

但那小孩到了13岁 突然 那小孩瘦得很厉害..

when the boy come to 13 years old, suddenly his weight drop down..

一直没受到尊重的他.. 看到自己变瘦 以为会受到 尊重.. 原来 还是自己想多了.. 因为样子还是 那么样... 

He deeply assume that he will get some respect after he become slim. it was just a dream.. his looks is still remain the same..

15岁那一年 有一个亲戚 看到他的样子 因为很久没见所以对他没印象 的就直说.. 这小孩是谁的孩子啊? 这么丑.. 我都不敢带出门啦.!

when the boy reach the age 15, 1 of his uncle told her mom this... who is the mom to this child? this boy is so freaking ugly. if i was the boy parents i won't bring him out of the house.! is a shame!

那小孩的母亲 从那天开始 就想办法 让这孩子改变.

his mom is very upset, she decide to somehow change the boy to a better man.


1stly the boy change his hairstyle..

那小孩 也因为知道自己给母亲带来麻烦.. 他自己也想尽办法 让自己变得更帅..

the boy notice that he bring many problems to his mom, he started to search the way to become more handsome..

今天的那个丑小孩 不再是从前的那个 丑小孩. 他变得超有自信. 也因为以前的经历 他变得 很开朗 幽默 懂得怎么和人家 沟通 交流 甚至 适当的开别人玩笑 来炒热气氛.. 

In this moment that boy.. is not the ugly boy any more. he boy had totally transform to another person. he have a very high confidence about himself.. because of what had he go through he is now very humor, cheerful.. he know how to communicate well with others. 

原来人生 所经历的困难 不是要 击倒我们.. 而是要让我们 变得 更坚强.. 让我们 一直都在进步.. 总有一天你会达到你要的目标.

There is plenty of problem will step into our LIFE they actually are those teacher that taught us a lesson and leave our life.  Be strong. keep going. One day you will reach your goal. :) 

今天的他不是要证明 给 那些 曾经伤了他的人 而是 他要证明给和他 "以前" 一样的人.. 是时候改变了.. 

He is not trying to prove to those who had hurt him deep inside, but encourage those who think that there is no chance to be better.! 


等我找到这个人以前的照片时.. 我会 在 放上 这篇文章 (这是一个 真人真事. 因为男主角 就是 和你分享这篇文的人) 我爱我的母亲!

I will find the pic of him when he was young, i will share it in this post (this is base on a true story. do not doubt about it. because you are reading this post and the one who mention in this story is the one who wrote it. Yes, me.. MYSELF! i am proud of myself.) i love my mom!

spot me! red shirt. fat one. =.="'

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